
Ready to Marry

A young man went to his father one day to tell him that he wanted to get married. His father was happy for him. He asked his son who the girl was, and he told him that it was Pamela, a girl from the neighborhood.
With a sad face the old man said to his son, “I’m sorry to say this, son, but I have to. The girl you want to marry is your sister, but please don’t tell your mother.”
The young man was upset, but then he brought up 3 more names to his father. Unfortunately, the response was always the same. So he decides to go to his mother.
“Mama, I want to get married, but according to dad, all the girls that I love, are my sisters. He said I mustn’t tell you, but I don’t know what to do.”
His mother smiling said to him, “Don’t worry my son, you can marry any of those girls. They’re not your sisters because you’re not his son.”

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