A traveling salesman is meeting up with his friend who is a lawyer and says, “I think it’s time for a divorce.”
His friend is shocked and replies, “Why do you feel that way?”
“Well, I am pretty sure Mary is cheating on me.” said the salesman.
Becoming more serious, his lawyer friend replied “Can you describe the incident that first caused you to entertain suspicions as to your wife’s fidelity?”
“Well, I’m pretty much on the road all week,” the man started, “so naturally when I am home, I’m attentive to Mary. One Sunday morning,” he continued, “we were in the midst of some pretty heavy love-making when the old lady in the apartment next door pounded on the wall and yelled, ‘Can’t you at least stop all that racket on the weekends?'”
Time for a Divorce

Funny….I was feeling depressed, but I feel better now.
Funny. Thanks for the good joke
So funny