A Scotsman was shipwrecked and finally washed ashore on a small island. As he regains consciousness on the beach, he sees a beautiful, unclad nymphet standing over him.
She asks, “Would you like some food?”
The Scot hoarsely croaks, “Och, lassie, I havna’ ittin a bite in a week, noo, and I am verra hungry!”
She disappears into the woods and quickly comes back with a heaping helping of haggis.
When he has choked it down, she asks, “Would you like something to drink?”
“Och, aye! That haggis has made me verra hungry, and I wad verra much like a drink!”
She goes off into the woods again and returns with a bottle of 75-year-old single-malt Scotch whiskey.
The Scotsman is beginning to think that he’s in heaven when the unclad nymphet leans closer and says, “Would you like to play around?”
“Och, lassie, don’t tell me ye’ve got a golf course here too!”
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