
One Condition

When Jim retired, he and his wife, who was much, much younger, moved to a beach town.
Once they’d settled in, he decided it was about time to make a will, so he made an appointment with a lawyer.
“I want it to be nice and straightforward,” he instructed the attorney, “Everything goes to my wife: the house, the car, the pension and the life insurance, under one condition that she remarry within the year.”
“Fine, Mr. Ramsey,” said the lawyer, “But do you mind my asking why the condition?”
“Simple! I want at least one person to be sorry I died.”

What do you think?

Written by jokespot

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  1. Over the months I have subscribed to your jokes every day, I have laughed at many and groaned at some, however, I find the “blonde” jokes somewhat rude and critical. The whole dumb blonde thing is a thing of the past and has no place in today’s culture. It’s insulting to all women, not just blondes. You aren’t telling racial jokes, so don’t tell blonde jokes, please!

    • Really !?? I’m a blond and I get that they’re jokes!! Nice to be singled out for so many funny jokes. Hate all this “ politically correct “ stuff when it just doesn’t apply to jokes / turn on the comedy channel / station sometime and you will see that everyone is the butt of a joke- not just blonds.

Good Manners

Soda Machine