A young man couldn’t decide which girl to date. He liked one girl named Anna, but he really liked another one named Maria, too. He decided to ask his friend for advice.
“I can’t decide which girl to date. How do you make important decisions?” he asked his friend.
“Well, I go to church,” replied his friend. “Then I look up and pray, and usually the answer just comes to me.”
The young man decided to try just that. He went to church, looked up to pray, smiled, and left the church.
The next day, he saw his friend and happily announced, “I did what you told me to. I went to church, got my answer, and I didn’t even need to pray.”
His friend was surprised. “What do you mean you didn’t even have to pray?”
“Well,” the young man replied. “When I looked up, the answer was written in gold above a stained-glass window. It read: Ave Maria.”
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