A little man and a lady were sitting next to each other on the bus. The little man was perfectly harmless, but the lady was a spinster, and suspicious of all males. So, since they were somewhat crowded on the seat, she pushed the umbrella between her knee and his and held it firmly as a barrier.
When they reached her stop, it started raining. The woman put up the umbrella. As she did so, she realized that the little man had followed her. She had guessed that he was a masher, now she knew it for sure.
She walked quickly down the side street, and the man pursued through the driving rain. She ran up the steps of her home, and rang the bell.
When she heard the doorman coming to the door, feeling herself safe at last, she turned about and addressed her pursuer angrily. “How dare you follow me! How dare you! What do you want, anyhow?”
The drenched little man spoke pleadingly, “If you please, ma’am, now that you’re home, I want my umbrella back.”
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